Linda Brown

Retired - Federal Civil Servant

Linda E Brown

Linda Brown, who recently retired from the federal civil service, had rich and diverse career opportunities in social policy development, program administration and public engagement at both Health Canada and ESDC and more recently at Public Safety Canada. Her career was focussed on creating or supporting policy and programs that promoted the inclusion and participation and promotion of people with disabilities in the workplace. She has significant stakeholder engagement experience with internal and external stakeholders, including national disability organizations. For more than thirty years, Linda was an active member of diversity and inclusion employee networks that advised and guided senior officials to make positive changes to the workplace and culture. Change is inevitable in any organization; she recognizes good practices and seeks innovative solutions to persistent challenges as part of that dynamic evolution. Recipient of the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Award (2002) for her contribution to the disability community while at the federal Office for Disability Issues.

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