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Winners Announced

The MaRS and CIBC Inclusive Design Challenge: Career Advancement

Congratulations to the winners of this Challenge: Skill Squirrel, Breen and Associates Consulting, Fig Daily Media, SignAble Vi5ion Inc and Fable Tech Labs Inc. Read more about their innovative solutions below.

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Faurecia, Sponsor of the Faurecia Biosensing Safety Challenge

“The Innovation Challenge Process has proven to be highly valuable for our organization.”

Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health, Winner of the Healthy Neighbourhoods Data Challenge

“This Challenge pushed our team outside of our traditional operating parameters to create a product that is truly innovative.”

Brave Technology Coop, Winner of the Opioid Data Challenge

“Finding ourselves in a small community of innovators focused on the same impacts has continued to drive our work and we refer to the Challenge frequently both internally and externally.”

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